Rhizopus oryzae mushrooms are safe for consumption because they do not produce toxins

Rhizopus oryzae mushrooms are safe for consumption because they do not produce toxins
Rhizopus sp. i.e. the white colony gradually becomes gray; stolon smooth or slightly coarse and colorless to brownish yellow; sporangiofora grow from stolons and point to the air, either singly or in groups (up to 5 sporangiofora); rhizoid grows opposite and located in the same position as sporangiofora; sporangia globus or sub globus with a pinululous wall (short spines), which are dark brown to black when ripe; oval to round columns, with smooth or slightly rough walls; round, oval or elliptical or cylindrical spores; optimal temperature for growth of 350C, a minimum of 5-70C and a maximum of 440C. Based on lactic acid produced Rhizopus oryzae including heterofermentative microbes (Kuswanto and Slamet, 1989). Tempe is a popular food in our country. Although it is a simple food, tempeh has or contains a high source of vegetable protein.
Tempe is food made from fermented soybean seeds or some other material that uses several types of Rhizopus molds, such as Rhizopus oligosporus, Rh. oryzae, Rh. stolonifer (antifungal effect of five tropical plant leaf extract), or Rh. arrhizus, thus forming a compact white solid. This fermentation preparation is commonly known as tempe yeast. The white color of tempeh is caused by the fungus mycelia growing on the surface of soybean seeds. The compact texture is also caused by the fungus mise that connects the soybean seeds. Lots of fungi are active during fermentation, but generally researchers consider that Rhizopus sp is the most dominant fungus.
The fungus that grows on soybean produces enzymes that can remodel complex organic compounds into simpler compounds so that these compounds can quickly be used by the body. Tempe is widely consumed in the world, but now it is worldwide. Many vegetarians around the world have used tempeh instead of meat. As a result, tempeh is now produced in many places in the world, not only in the world.
Various studies in a number of countries, such as Germany, Japan, and the United States. Also now trying to develop Rhizopus superior strains to produce tempe that is faster, better quality, or improves the nutritional content of tempe. Some parties are concerned that this activity could threaten the existence of tempe as a food ingredient in the public sector because superior tempeh yeast lines can be registered with patents so that their use is protected by law (requires a license from the patent holder). Rhizopus oryzae mushroom is a fungus that is often used in making tempeh (Soetrisno, 1996). Rhizopus oryzae mushrooms are safe for consumption because they do not produce toxins and are able to produce lactic acid (Purwoko and Pamudyanti, 2004).
Rhizopus oryzae mushroom has the ability to break down complex fats into triglycerides and amino acids (Septiani, 2004). Besides the fungus Rhizopus oryzae is able to produce proteases (Margiono, 1992). According to Sorenson and Hesseltine (1986), Rhizopus sp grows well in the pH range of 3.4-6. In the study the longer the fermentation time, the pH of tempeh increased to pH 8.4, so that the fungus decreases because high pH is not suitable for fungal growth.
In general, mushrooms also need water for growth, but mushroom water needs are less than bacteria. In addition to pH and water content that is not suitable for fungal growth, the amount of nutrients in the material, also needed by the fungus. Basically the process of making tempe is the process of planting microbial species of Rhizopus sp mushroom on soybean media, so that the fermentation process occurs by the yeast.
The result of fermentation causes the texture of soybeans to become softer, the decomposition of protein contained in soybeans becomes simpler, so that it has a better digestibility than food products from soybeans that do not go through the fermentation process. Tempe is made from soybeans with the help of the fungus Rhizopus sp. This fungus will change the protein complex of soy beans that are difficult to digest into simple proteins that are easily digested because of chemical changes in protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
During the fermentation process of soybeans into tempeh, antibiotics will be produced which will prevent stomach diseases such as diarrhea. Making tempeh is done in various ways including: In principle, the way of making tempe in a new way is the same as the old or traditional way and the difference is in the stripping stage of soybean skin. Where in the old way (traditional) soybeans boiled and soaked with the skin or still intact while in the new way before the skin has been peeled soy (dry peel) by using a soybean stripping tool.
The next steps are the same as the traditional method. Tempeh made in a new way (soybean color) is paler when compared to the old way. In fact, this is caused - because in the new way soybeans are boiled and soaked in the skin so that there are substances that dissolve (Warisno, 2010).